Agents and Brokers
"Assisting agents and brokers in their pursuit of
excellent client service"
Austin &
Stanovich is an independent risk management consulting
and insurance advisory company that does not sell
insurance. We provide in-depth technical risk management
and insurance expertise to complement that provided by
agency and brokerage staff. Who ultimately benefits from
your use of Austin & Stanovich? Your client.
As hands-on practitioners of insurance and risk
management, Austin & Stanovich provides great value to
you and your clients as your "outsourced expert" when
review, analyze and compare complex insurance
programs, |
are challenged
with a large or complex account, |
need to arrange
a complicated insurance program, |
need to respond
to difficult issues and questions posed by a
client, |
would like
independent review and comment on current risk
management and insurance program structure,
interpret insurance coverage, |
review an insurer's claim denial, |
consider alternative risk transfer and other types of
sophisticated risk financing programs or
are faced with other situations in which you need the
added help of an insurance and risk management
specialist. |
Some examples of work we have done for agents and
brokers include:
attend client
meetings to discuss solutions to client issues, |
help restructure complex insurance programs to improve
coverage, limits and cost, |
assist in determining business income values, including
properly completing a business income worksheet and
explaining the options available for business income
coverage, |
evaluate the risk and insurance issues found in client's
contracts and agreements (i.e. construction or real
estate lease agreements) with recommendations on how to
handle the insurance implications, |
provide quality assurance by independent review and
comment on client risk management programs including use
of insurance with recommendations on coverage, structure
and cost, and |
verify the
accuracy of Workers' compensation experience
rating and project "test modifications" for
future policy years. |
With Austin &
Stanovich you have access to expertise you often need
for certain situations but not the expense of an
additional employee. We can be your outsourced solution.
Learn more about our
consultants. |